Posted by lanner on Sun, 03 Apr 2011 13:40:46
Im trying to work out table with dictionaries problem.
What Im trying to do is making an addon were I track my dps with certain weapons.
I have come this far: Made a table with tables in it but lacks a key, which should be the itemLink from the weapon.
dpsStatus = {} dpsStatus.player_damage = {} -- Stores the players damage dpsStatus.combat_time = {} -- Stores the players time in combat
The second problem is how to put in the information in the tables. This I have tried with this code:
for idx, vapen in pairs(itemLink) do dpsStatus.combat_time[itemLink].damage = dpsStatus.player_damage[itemLink] end
Dont know if this is right, I have tried debugging it with printing the table but nothing is printed with:
for i,v in pairs(dpsStatus.player_damage) do print(i,v) end
Would really appreciate some help.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 03 Apr 2011 13:58:36
Im trying to work out table with dictionaries problem.
What Im trying to do is making an addon were I track my dps with certain weapons.
I have come this far: Made a table with tables in it but lacks a key, which should be the itemLink from the weapon.
dpsStatus = {} dpsStatus.player_damage = {} -- Stores the players damage dpsStatus.combat_time = {} -- Stores the players time in combat
The second problem is how to put in the information in the tables. This I have tried with this code:
for idx, vapen in pairs(itemLink) do dpsStatus.combat_time[itemLink].damage = dpsStatus.player_damage[itemLink] end
This will not work, because dpsStatus.combat_time[itemLink] does not return a table, it is just
. You can have as many sub-tables as you'd like, but you need to ensure each level exists before moving on. Without the rest of the code its difficult to say what precisely is going on. Here's what I would do, roughly:Dont know if this is right, I have tried debugging it with printing the table but nothing is printed with:
for i,v in pairs(dpsStatus.player_damage) do print(i,v) end
Would really appreciate some help.
dpsStatus = { player_damage = {}, combat_time = {}, } -- When something happens and you need to add something to do the player_damage table: if not dpsStatus.player_damage[itemLink] then dpsStatus.player_damage[itemLink] = {} end dpsStatus.player_damage[itemLink].damage = someValue
You'd use the same general technique for the other tables, and the other members. Without having a better specification of the problem it is very tough to be more specific.
Posted by lanner on Sun, 03 Apr 2011 15:21:28
Hi and thanks for the speedy response :)
Implemented the changes but cant really say if it made any difference.
But I supplied some documentation: Lua-file xml-file Screenshot
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:09:19
Unfortunately I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at. Do you have a question?
Posted by lanner on Sat, 09 Apr 2011 17:19:52
Yes I got a question.
For instance, how can I write the current weapon used to be the key in the dictionary table?
I have made alot of rewrite to the tables.
evaluationTable = {} evaluationTable[weapon] = {} evaluationTable[weapon].damage = 0 evaluationTable[weapon].time = 0
I use this piece of code to get the link of what I got in my mainhand:
slotId = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slotId)
I have tried just using
weapon = itemLink
but I get an error that the value is nil. But that be might due to I put in the wrong function in my addon.Makes this any sense?
Thanks again!
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sat, 09 Apr 2011 17:34:23
Yes I got a question.
For instance, how can I write the current weapon used to be the key in the dictionary table?
I have made alot of rewrite to the tables.
evaluationTable = {} evaluationTable[weapon] = {} evaluationTable[weapon].damage = 0 evaluationTable[weapon].time = 0
I use this piece of code to get the link of what I got in my mainhand:
slotId = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slotId)
I have tried just using
weapon = itemLink
but I get an error that the value is nil. But that be might due to I put in the wrong function in my addon.Where do you want to store it? Just:
evaluationTable[itemLink] = {}
Is there a reason that doesn't work?
Posted by lanner on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 11:17:54
Yes, that do work but I had to move the itemLink variable outside of the in combat dps calculation function. And thus I lose the ability to update the button which shows the current weapon used. However there is surely a way to make that work again but really dont know how.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 08:06:25
I'm really not sure I understand the question or the problem at all. Why can't you just store the last seen item link as a different variable and then use that to update the button text"
Posted by lanner on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 11:14:13
I need to update the value of the weapon every time I equip a new weapon.
I've tried with http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsEquippedItem
If I register the event and update the value of the weapon every time the fire so it should work. I have tried it like this.
isEquipped = IsEquippedItem(itemID) or IsEquippedItem("itemName") or IsEquippedItem("itemLink") if not IsEquippedItem(weapon) == weapon then weapon = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") end
But I dont get it to work.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 12:10:59
I need to update the value of the weapon every time I equip a new weapon.
I've tried with http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsEquippedItem
If I register the event and update the value of the weapon every time the fire so it should work. I have tried it like this.
isEquipped = IsEquippedItem(itemID) or IsEquippedItem("itemName") or IsEquippedItem("itemLink") if not IsEquippedItem(weapon) == weapon then weapon = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") end
But I dont get it to work.
This code doesn't make sense. IsEquippedItem() is a function that takes a single argument (either an itemId, an itemName or an itemLink and returns a boolean value. So comparing the result of IsEquippedItem() to
is meaningless..if not IsEquippedItem(weapon) then weapon = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") end
Posted by lanner on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 13:23:30
Used the code:
if not IsEquippedItem(weapon) then weapon = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") end
When I swap weapon an error appears saying "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)", which I guess because 'weapon' gets set to nil and cant put that in the table.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:11:33
That's all code I dont' see that you've posted.. so I'm not sure what to tell you =)