1. Hi Jim,

    right now I'm in process to add a Tranquility Monitor to my existing Druid Raid Addon. So, I want to watch Tranquilitiy's ready or on cooldown (for all druids). Within the creation and testing phase of this new module I don't want to code it for raid only.

    My question would be, is it possible to use COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED without being in Raid or Combat to include something like spellID == 740 and event == "SPELL_TRANQUILITY" etc.?

    If so it would be alot easier to program this module first and after everythings working I could include it showing up in raids only etc.



  2. Hi Jim,

    right now I'm in process to add a Tranquility Monitor to my existing Druid Raid Addon. So, I want to watch Tranquilitiy's ready or on cooldown (for all druids). Within the creation and testing phase of this new module I don't want to code it for raid only.

    My question would be, is it possible to use COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED without being in Raid or Combat to include something like spellID == 740 and event == "SPELL_TRANQUILITY" etc.?

    If so it would be alot easier to program this module first and after everythings working I could include it showing up in raids only etc.

    The event wouldn't be SPELL_TRANQUILITY, it would be SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS. You don't just make up event names, there's quite a rigid set of sub-events for COMBATLOGEVENT_UNFILTERED. But rather than using the spell id, I would get the spell name from the spell id (this way its properly localised, but handled different ranks and variations of the same spell).

  3. Thanks Jim - working now. Thanks for the Tip again.



  4. Jim,

    found another qustion. Within a function I want to check if a variable is nil (without any input) so I included a if then else - but I guess I have something wrong , because I always get true also if the variable has a value.

    So here's a example to show what I mean:

     if tostring(rezzer.cdnamesmessage) == "nil" then
        msg = "All Druids have Rebirth >> Ready"
        SendChatMessage(msg, "RAID_WARNING")
        msg = msgformat .. tostring(rezzer.cdnamesmessage)
        SendChatMessage(msg, "RAID_WARNING")

    I always get a nil is true, also when rezzer.cdnamesmessage has a value. I'm sure it's a logical problem. But want to act when the variable has a nil value to prevent getting a LUA error whenever rezzer.cdnamesmessage is empty.


  5. Jim,

    found another qustion. Within a function I want to check if a variable is nil (without any input) so I included a if then else - but I guess I have something wrong , because I always get true also if the variable has a value.

    All you need to do is:

     if value == nil then 
       -- do something
       -- do something else

    What you have is a bit too complicated, and definitely not the same.

    So here's a example to show what I mean:

     if tostring(rezzer.cdnamesmessage) == "nil" then
        msg = "All Druids have Rebirth >> Ready"
        SendChatMessage(msg, "RAID_WARNING")
        msg = msgformat .. tostring(rezzer.cdnamesmessage)
        SendChatMessage(msg, "RAID_WARNING")

    I always get a nil is true, also when rezzer.cdnamesmessage has a value. I'm sure it's a logical problem. But want to act when the variable has a nil value to prevent getting a LUA error whenever rezzer.cdnamesmessage is empty.


  6. Hi Jim,

    I found the problem and everything is working as it should. The thoughts was good - but there was a small typo in between my function so the value was always nil. Sometimes its a pain with this minor typos :)
