Posted by nintent on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 03:07:30
For those of you who know how to make addons i just have a few questions
- About how long did it take you to learn how to make addons?
- How did you start learning to make addons?
- Do you think it was worth it?
(I do have some programming experience and willing to learn a lot more as it interests me)
Thanks in advance for answers
Posted by jnwhiteh on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 08:06:51
For those of you who know how to make addons i just have a few questions
- About how long did it take you to learn how to make addons?
It's a bit hard to say, you don't learn everything at once.. its more of a gradual process. I fully understood what all the components of an addon were and how to put them together a month or two after I started poking at code.
- How did you start learning to make addons?
I made changes to someone's existing addon when they were called away to military service.
- Do you think it was worth it?
Every day, I enjoy what I do.
(I do have some programming experience and willing to learn a lot more as it interests me)
Thanks in advance for answers
You're welcome!