1. Hi, my addon does NotifyInspect("target"), it usually works without problem, but whenever I do manual inspect a player (use pull down menu in game by blizzard), then click or hover other players, the following error happens:

    Message: ...\AddOns\BlizzardInspectUI\InspectPaperDollFrame.lua:23: Usage: UnitLevel("unit") Time: 12/19/10 02:01:11 Count: 1 Stack: [C]: in function `UnitLevel' ...\AddOns\BlizzardInspectUI\InspectPaperDollFrame.lua:23: in function `InspectPaperDollFrameSetLevel' ...\AddOns\BlizzardInspectUI\InspectPaperDollFrame.lua:18: in function <...\AddOns\Blizzard_InspectUI\InspectPaperDollFrame.lua:8>

    Locals: (*temporary) = nil

    if I do not call NotifyInspect("target"), this error will not happen. is this NotifyInspect() bug? is there a workaround?


  2. I'm not sure, honestly. You'd have to read the code in question and see what is happening and why.

  3. InspectPaperDollFrame.lua is not visible, is it blizzard internal code?