Posted by Greenhorns.Veknilash on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 22:36:16
For an add on Enhancement I'm working on I need to hook an on enter event to MainMenuBarMackpackButton but my experience is limited and I'm having trouble with this. is it even possible to hook an event to a frame the ad don didn't create?
If not I may have to poll the size of MainMenuBarMackpackButton and create an invisible frame over the MainMenuBarMackpackButton and use an on enter event for that frame. For efficient code if I do not need to create a frame I do not want to.
Any help, thoughts on the subject would be appreciated.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 00:44:40
Well first off, don't concern yourself with 'efficiency' and 'optimisation'. But what you want is to hook the OnEnter script, using the HookScript method.