Posted by modder_hell on Sat, 20 Nov 2010 13:32:39
I'm very inexperienced with programming, but I really enjoy this, so I plow on :)
I have a frame, called a bubble:
local bubble = CreateFrame("Frame")
I then create other frames on this frame, like the background & the close button etc:
-- BACKGROUND bubble.BG = bubble:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND") bubble.BG:SetTexture(0,0,0,0.7) bubble.BG:SetAllPoints(bubble) -- CLOSE BUTTON bubble.CloseButton = CreateFrame("Button","$parentCloseButton",bubble,"UIPanelCloseButton") bubble.CloseButton:SetWidth(25) bubble.CloseButton:SetHeight(25) bubble.CloseButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",bubble,"TOPRIGHT",-2,-2)
So now I come to the really difficult part... :( I want to create a scrolling message pane, like a chat pane, inside this bubble frame. I found the example on this exact site, pretty much hand-feeding me what I need to know: Your text to link here... & I'm so inexperienced I don't really know how to make it work.
Up to this point I had my bubble frame working. It would pop up, with a dark texture & a little close button. But I cut & pasted code & really had no clue what I was doing. This is what I ended up with:
bubble.PreviewFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "FPreviewFrame") -- fp bubble.ScrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollingMessageFrame", "FPreviewSC") -- fpsc bubble.Slider = CreateFrame("Slider", "FPreviewScrollBar", bubble.PreviewFrame) -- fpsb -- Set up internal textures for the scrollbar, background and thumb texture bubble.Slider.bg = bubble.Slider:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") bubble.Slider.bg:SetAllPoints(true) bubble.Slider.bg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.5) bubble.Slider.thumb = bubble.Slider:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") bubble.Slider.thumb:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-ScrollBar-Knob") bubble.Slider.thumb:SetSize(25, 25) bubble.Slider:SetThumbTexture(bubble.Slider.thumb) -- This is the font used for the messages? bubble.MessageFont = bubble.ScrollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,nil,"GameFontNormal") -- fs -- This changes the padding between font strings vertically local PADDING = 5 -- Store the max width and overall height of the scroll child local height = 0 local width = 0 --height = bubble.ScrollFrame:GetNumMessages() * bubble.MessageFont:GetStringHeight() height = 500 -- Set the size of the scroll child bubble.ScrollFrame:SetSize(BubbleSettings.BubbleWidth, height) -- Size and place the parent frame, and set the scrollchild to be the -- frame of font strings we've created bubble.PreviewFrame:SetSize(width, BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, 0, 0) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetScrollChild(bubble.ScrollFrame) bubble.PreviewFrame:Show() --bubble.ScrollFrame:SetSize(width, height) -- Set up the scrollbar to work properly local scrollMax = height - BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight bubble.Slider:SetOrientation("VERTICAL"); bubble.Slider:SetSize(16, BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight) bubble.Slider:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bubble.PreviewFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0) bubble.Slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, scrollMax) bubble.Slider:SetValue(0) bubble.Slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self) Bubble.PreviewFrame:SetVerticalScroll(self:GetValue()) end) -- Enable mousewheel scrolling bubble.PreviewFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta) local current = bubble.Slider:GetValue() if IsShiftKeyDown() and (delta > 0) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(0) elseif IsShiftKeyDown() and (delta < 0) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(scrollMax) elseif (delta < 0) and (current < scrollMax) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(current + 20) elseif (delta > 0) and (current > 1) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(current - 20) end end)
Needless to say it doesn't work :( I know I've really butchered the code from the link. I'm very lost. I really want it to be a scrolling message frame that I can add lines to with :AddMessage, & everything needs to be derived from this original 'bubble' frame.
Is this even possible to do? Thanks for taking the time to read this :D
Posted by modder_hell on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 06:50:19
So I have the very basic code worked out a little bit. I create a 'bubble' frame that looks like this:
I tried to cut & paste together from the dynamic scroll frame example on the 'snippets' page. It gave the the visible scroll frame, but I definitely didn't do something right. I want to be able to add messages to the scrollable inner frame using MessageFrame:AddMessage(). I also wanted to set the insert mode to the bottom of the scroll frame somehow. But I kept getting errors when I tried to call bubble.ScrollFrame:SetInsertMode("BOTTOM")
This is what I was going for:
This is the pieced together code to get this far... Can someone fill in the blanks on how I can get to the 2nd picture? :D
bubble.PreviewFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame",nil,bubble) -- fp bubble.ScrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollingMessageFrame",nil,bubble) -- fpsc bubble.ScrollFrame:SetMaxLines(1000) bubble.ScrollFrame:SetInsertMode("BOTTOM") -- This is the font used for the messages? bubble.ScrollFrame.MessageFont = bubble.ScrollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,nil,"GameFontNormal") -- fs bubble.Slider = CreateFrame("Slider",nil, bubble.PreviewFrame) -- fpsb -- Set up internal textures for the scrollbar, background and thumb texture bubble.Slider.bg = bubble.Slider:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") bubble.Slider.bg:SetAllPoints(true) bubble.Slider.bg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.7) bubble.Slider.thumb = bubble.Slider:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") bubble.Slider.thumb:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-ScrollBar-Knob") bubble.Slider.thumb:SetSize(25, 25) bubble.Slider:SetThumbTexture(bubble.Slider.thumb) -- This changes the padding between font strings vertically local PADDING = 5 -- Store the max width and overall height of the scroll child local height = 0 local width = 0 height = bubble.ScrollFrame:GetNumMessages() * bubble.MessageFont:GetStringHeight() width = bubble:GetWidth -- Set the size of the scroll child bubble.ScrollFrame:SetSize(width, height) -- Size and place the parent frame, and set the scrollchild to be the -- frame of font strings we've created bubble.PreviewFrame:SetSize(BubbleSettings.BubbleWidth, BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", bubble) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetScrollChild(bubble.ScrollFrame) bubble.PreviewFrame:Show() bubble.ScrollFrame:SetSize(BubbleSettings.BubbleWidth, BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight) -- Set up the scrollbar to work properly local scrollMax = height - BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight bubble.Slider:SetOrientation("VERTICAL"); bubble.Slider:SetSize(16, BubbleSettings.BubbleHeight-20) bubble.Slider:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", bubble.PreviewFrame, "TOPRIGHT",-10,-10) bubble.Slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, scrollMax) bubble.Slider:SetValue(scrollMax) bubble.Slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetVerticalScroll(self:GetValue()) end) -- Enable mousewheel scrolling bubble.PreviewFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true) bubble.PreviewFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, delta) local current = bubble.Slider:GetValue() if IsShiftKeyDown() and (delta > 0) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(0) elseif IsShiftKeyDown() and (delta < 0) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(scrollMax) elseif (delta < 0) and (current < scrollMax) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(current + 20) elseif (delta > 0) and (current > 1) then bubble.Slider:SetValue(current - 20) end end)
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 09:31:46
You're actually not doing anything wrong that I can see. There's a bug right now with SetInsertMode.. so just don't call that function. I'm trying to get it fixed, but there's still a problem with it.
Wen you take that out, do things work for you?
Posted by modder_hell on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 08:21:52
Hi thanks for the reply!
Nope, when i comment out SetInsertMode("BOTTOM"), the scrolling frame still doesn't work. Correction. The scroll bar works just fine :D But the scrolling frame doesn't display the message I set with :AddMessage(msg)
That's why I was convinced there was a problem with my code, like I haven't set the font to work correctly or something.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:16:25
Ah yes, the way you set the font is not correct. You have:
bubble.ScrollFrame.MessageFont = bubble.ScrollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,nil,"GameFontNormal")
You should be able to do one of the following:
- Inherit from GameFontNormal when creating the frame
- Use the SetFont method to set the filename, height and flags directly
- Use the SetFontObject method to set the font to 'GameFontNormal'
One of those should give you some mileage.
Posted by modder_hell on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:28:27
thank you!
was the correct answer! :D