Posted by marshbum on Fri, 15 Oct 2010 00:33:58
Prior to 4.0.1, you could use the "GetNumTalentPoints" API call to determine how many UNUSED points you have. Now that API call only return the total points a character has. Anyone know if there is an API call or option that allows to querey now for number of unused talent points?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Posted by marshbum on Fri, 15 Oct 2010 01:05:16
Well, I answered my own question :) Here is what I figured out. I would be curious if anyone has another way to accomplish the feat.
-- Get total number of talent points already used numTabs = GetNumTalentTabs() for t=1, numTabs do numTalents = GetNumTalents(t) for i=1, numTalents do _, _, _, _, currRank, _= GetTalentInfo(t,i) totalTalentPointsUsed = totalTalentPointsUsed + currRank end end totalTalentPoints = GetNumTalentPoints() unusedTalentPoints = totalTalentPoints - totalTalentPointsUsed