1. Is there a list of known addon issues that will cause Blizzard to disconnect?!??

    I have an addon that is causing the WoW to disconnect.  I believe this was caused by too much chat message traffic being sent out.  I've since started using the chatthrottle lib and the problem is dramatically better..but occasionally I am still getting connected.

    What else could be causing the disconnects?  I'd like to prevent further problems. 

    Too many who requests?  illegal ops?  Is this info anywhere?



  2. Is there a list of known addon issues that will cause Blizzard to disconnect?!??

    I have an addon that is causing the WoW to disconnect.  I believe this was caused by too much chat message traffic being sent out.  I've since started using the chatthrottle lib and the problem is dramatically better..but occasionally I am still getting connected.

    What else could be causing the disconnects?  I'd like to prevent further problems. 

    Too many who requests?  illegal ops?  Is this info anywhere?



  3. Any traffic between your client and the server over a certain threshold (you'd need to query CTL to see how much it is) will disconnect you.  Additionally querying items/quests/achievements may possibly disconnect you depending on how they handle those specific cases.  There's no comprehensive list because no one really knows.

    Keep in mind that movement, who requests, spellcast, chat messages and the like ALL count against your communication limit.  That being said, you should not even be coming close to the limit of disconnection with reasonable/normal behavior.  What are you trying to accomplish?

  4. ahhh. I found the problem.   You can't resend an item link using SendChatMessage. (spoofing links i guess).

    I search for that pattern now.

    local found, _, itemString = string.find(msg, "|c%x+|H(.+)|h%[.*%]")

    if found then 

    print("Rejected msg with link(s)"..itemString)


     -- SendChatMessage()


    But still I would like to see a list of  rules -- things that you can't do (or face disconnection).

    1. Too much traffic

    2. Spoofing Links

    3. ???? What else ?????


  5. I guess you could also use something like:

    SendChatMessage( string.gsub( message, ""|c%x+|H(.+)|h%[(.*)%]"", "%2" ), messageType, language, channel );


  6. No one can give you a list, because it doesn't exist.  Blizzard decides on their end (on the server) when to disconnect you.  We can't give you information that we don't have.