Posted by JohnnyEmdeJensen on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 12:39:26
I am new to programming lua and wow and i am just fooling around a bit.
I have made a .lua file with;
MyEventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyEventFrame", UIParent) MyEventFrame:RegisterEvent("ITEM_PUSH") MyEventFrame:RegisterEvent("AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE") function MyEventFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...) if event == "ITEM_PUSH" then local pushedItem = ... if not pushedItem then print("Nothing i variable") else print("Has something") end end if event == "AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE" then local auctionItem = ... print("Auction made") end end MyEventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", MyEventFrame_OnEvent)
Just to see what happens when an event is fired. The '...' gives me a bit of worries - what does it contains and can I get some info from it?
In the
event I would like to get the itemID on the item that has been pushed - and also item informations in theAUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE
event - like what price the auction was sat to.Can someone help a novice?
Kind regards
Johnny E. Jensen
Posted by Xers on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 14:10:41
the "..." is a list of arguments returned by the event
i would try something like
MyEventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyEventFrame", UIParent) MyEventFrame:RegisterEvent("ITEM_PUSH") MyEventFrame:RegisterEvent("AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE") function MyEventFrameOnEvent(self, event, ...) if ( event == "ITEM_PUSH" ) then local pushedItem = ... if not pushedItem then print("Nothing in variable") else print(...) end end if ( event == "AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE" ) then print(...) end end MyEventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", MyEventFrame_OnEvent)
if I'm right this would print out every argument of an event
also the event names have to be correct
you can find a list of all events and their arguments here
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 14:33:54
Variable function arguments, that is functions that may take any number of arguments, are covered in [Chapter 5][http://wowprogramming.com/chapters/second-edition/05], specifically on page 81. The
is a special Lua construct that contains all of the arguments to the function, except the arguments that were specifically named prior. The most typical case of this is event handling, where the first argument passed to your handler function is the frame that registered for the event, the second argument is a string containing the name of the event, and...
contains the rest of the arguments.Hope that helps, and the book should help clarify if not.
Posted by Xers on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 14:46:32
The book is great but too big.
I need a pocket edition of this book ;D
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 15:04:43
Tell me about it, I have to keep copies at both home and work to ensure I can answer any questions =)
Posted by JohnnyEmdeJensen on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 15:51:21
The print(...) only gives the path to the item icon.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 16:14:47
That event definitely USED to include the bag id as well. I'd suggest using /eventtrace to see precisely what arguments are coming with the event, then you'll know where things stand. If it's bagID then icon, you can do:
local bagId, icon = ...
and get both of those arguments.