1. Hello guys.

    I've got a question about a frame I've created in lua.

    this creates a title and subtext for my addon option panel

        me.Title = me:CreateFontString( nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalLarge" );
        me.Title:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 16, -16 );
        me.Title:SetText( L.CONFIG_TITLE );
        local SubText = me:CreateFontString( nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall" );
        me.SubText = SubText;
        SubText:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", me.Title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8 );
        SubText:SetPoint( "RIGHT", -32, 0 );
        SubText:SetHeight( 32 );
        SubText:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" );
        SubText:SetJustifyV( "TOP" );
        SubText:SetText( L.CONFIG_DESC );

    but i want to translate this into xml

    this is what i've got so far


    and i dont know how to translate

        SubText:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", me.Title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8 );
        SubText:SetPoint( "RIGHT", -32, 0 );
        SubText:SetHeight( 32 );
        SubText:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" );
        SubText:SetJustifyV( "TOP" );`

    thx in advance Xers from GERMANY :D

  2. okay after some tries i got a solution but maybe someone knows a better one


  3. The 100% direct translation would be a bit different, but as long as that works for you, it works for me. I tend to suggest learning the XML system first, since it makes things like anchor points pretty clear, but I write code in both constantly. The chapters in the second edition where you work on the BagBuddy addon might be useful for you. Hope that helps!