Posted by zidencjb on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 04:16:00
I have a question about Lua and how I can save the information in SavedVariables folder.
I have an addon call "qwerty" with the next Cmd... "/qwe", when I type /qwe it show me a message, in that point everything is ok.
Now my question is... how i can save my information?
for example if I write /qwe Hello world , how i can save that message in the folder SavedVariables/qwerty.lua?
QWERTYDB = { ["message"] = { ["msg1"] = "Hello World", } }
and if I write an other message... "/qwe My second msg"
QWERTYDB = { ["message"] = { ["msg1"] = "Hello World", ["msg2"] = "My second msg", } }
thanks for the help and sorry about my english.
PD: I read in WoWwiki about "saving variable", but i try it and i get "Addon incompatible"
ty for help ^^
Posted by jnwhiteh on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 08:25:50
I have an addon call "qwerty" with the next Cmd... "/qwe", when I type /qwe it show me a message, in that point everything is ok.
Now my question is... how i can save my information?
for example if I write /qwe Hello world , how i can save that message in the folder SavedVariables/qwerty.lua?
This is covered in the 'Anatomy of an Addon' chapter. You use the #SavedVariables directive in the table of contents file to indicate which global variables should be saved at the end of a session. You then need to alter your code to not fully initialize until the
event with your addon's name as the first argument, since this indicates that your saved variables are loaded.PD: I read in WoWwiki about "saving variable", but i try it and i get "Addon incompatible"
More information can be found in Chapter 8 of the second edition.
Posted by zidencjb on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 19:54:45
I try with
## Interface: 30000 ## Title: QWERTY ## SavedVariables: Qwerty ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: QwertyMSG qwerty.lua
local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME"); frame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED"); function frame:OnEvent(event, arg1) if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "qwerty" then Qwerty = "MESSAGE"; end end frame:SetScript("OnEvent", frame.OnEvent); SLASH_QWERTY = "/qw"; function SlashCmdList.QWERTY(msg) print("Hello World"); end
And this working good...
How i can do that when i log... in the qwerty.lua ALWAYS save a msg difference?
For example... now only save:
Qwerty = "MESSAGE"
I need save ALWAYS i log, the same MESSAGE...
example... if i log 10 times to day in the qwerty.lua i see
Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE" Qwerty = "MESSAGE"
Or also
Ty :)
Posted by jnwhiteh on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 20:53:08
In ANOTHER addon... with another MESSAGE, this saving the information too in qwerty.lua.bak?
or i need another function ?
No. You can make Querty a table instead of a string to save multiple things inside the table. But I don't understand why you'd have a second addon altering the first addon's saved data, but you could do that if you wanted to.
Posted by zidencjb on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 21:25:17
I edited my last message
No. You can make Querty a table instead of a string to save multiple things inside the table. But I don't understand why you'd have a second addon altering the first addon's saved data, but you could do that if you wanted to.
Oh. I understand it. ^^
This I am trying to do. I have two addons (EasyEmail and QuickAuction3 (With Auctionner)). I created a website on my local server to control my "Post" in the AH and the money received.
Currently I just copy and paste this information from the chat (With Prat) and my PHP programming with JS, takes the information that I copy and save it in the DDBB (Mysql).
So, I want to save this information in a. Lua with a addon. Then upload it .lua and collect the information automatically. And I'm pretty noob with Lua, I only know web programming. =/
If u can help me or orient ... I'll be very grateful
Posted by jnwhiteh on Thu, 26 Aug 2010 08:48:25
I edited my last message
Please don't. I respond too quickly for that.
No. You can make Querty a table instead of a string to save multiple things inside the table. But I don't understand why you'd have a second addon altering the first addon's saved data, but you could do that if you wanted to.
Oh. I understand it. ^^
This I am trying to do. I have two addons (EasyEmail and QuickAuction3 (With Auctionner)). I created a website on my local server to control my "Post" in the AH and the money received.
Currently I just copy and paste this information from the chat (With Prat) and my PHP programming with JS, takes the information that I copy and save it in the DDBB (Mysql).
So, I want to save this information in a. Lua with a addon. Then upload it .lua and collect the information automatically. And I'm pretty noob with Lua, I only know web programming. =/
If u can help me or orient ... I'll be very grateful
I can't write your addon for you, and I wrote three books about writing addons for World of Warcraft. As I've said a few times, this stuff is already covered in the book, in a few different places. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but I don't really have time to provide support outside the books.
Posted by zidencjb on Fri, 27 Aug 2010 09:16:54
I can't write your addon for you, and I wrote three books about writing addons for World of Warcraft. As I've said a few times, this stuff is already covered in the book, in a few different places. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but I don't really have time to provide support outside the books.
No, I do not want you to write the code ^ ^ guidance only. And I know your books, but my English is very bad and do not understand all, so I prefer to seek guidance and manuals in Spanish.
But, reading too much and looking online, I do that I wanted