1. I have been trying to use

    /script getglobal("ActionButton2"):SetPoint("TOPLEFT");

    Just to get a handle on moving the action buttons around... seems it does not work on actionbutton2, but it does work on action button1. if someone could please show me how to move around action button 2 that would be a great help!

  2. I have been trying to use

    /script getglobal("ActionButton2"):SetPoint("TOPLEFT");

    Just to get a handle on moving the action buttons around... seems it does not work on actionbutton2, but it does work on action button1. if someone could please show me how to move around action button 2 that would be a great help!

  3. You would need to clear any existing anchors using ClearAllPoints(), i.e.



    Although you should specify what element you would like to anchor to, with offsets.  For example:

    ActionButton2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)

    This anchors the button to the center of the UIParent.