1. Hi,

    Does anyone know how to get the ingame quest-ID from a quest in the questlog?

    If you have the quest "Going, Going, Guano!" (Razorfen Kraul), and look at wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=1109

    You see that it have ID 1109

    More websites use that ID. How to read this ID from the quest in the questlog?


  2. Hi,

    Does anyone know how to get the ingame quest-ID from a quest in the questlog?

    If you have the quest "Going, Going, Guano!" (Razorfen Kraul), and look at wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=1109

    You see that it have ID 1109

    More websites use that ID. How to read this ID from the quest in the questlog?


  3. Check out GetQuestLink.

  4. Hi Morlando, thank you for your fast answer.

    I have seen this page, but how can I extract the questID from the questlog?

    Like this?

    difficultyColor, id, level, name = GetQuestLink(2)


    Can you please show me a working example?


  5. You just need to do a simple pattern match on it.  For example, a quest link looks like this:

    |cffff8040|Hquest:207:38|h[Kurzen's Mystery]|h|r

    You can use the string.match function to pull the quest id out using something like this:

    /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.match(GetQuestLink(2), "Hquest:(%d+)"))

    This will give you the quest id of the first quest in your quest log, as a string.  In order to convert it to a number you would use the tonumber() function.


  6. That is exactly what I meant :)

    Thank you very much !!

  7. title, level, questTag, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, isDaily, questID, startEvent, displayQuestID = GetQuestLogTitle(questIndex)

    where questIndex is between 1 and GetNumQuestLogEntries()