1. First of all, I'm not sure this mod would be legal, so please let me know if it is or isn't.


    I have been reading up on how to program addons, it doesn't seem too complicated, and I'm sure I could do it once I get the time(i.e. Post deployment or done with the marine corps all together).

    What I'm looking to write up is a mod that makes your character into a personal vendor, much like in other MMORPG. I figure this might be illegal due to the possible server lag it might cause, or the extra spot that would take up, thus making a full server.

    The mod would let you select which items in your inventory you would like to sell, and then advertise them for you automatically in trade channel on a set interval. If possible buyers are running the same addon, they would be able to right click on your characters icon, and then select a 'vendor' option. This would then bring up the selected vendors items and costs. The user would then select which items he would like to buy from the vendor and the sale would be completed through an automatic trade format. If the user is not running the same addon, he will be able to pst the vendor and get a response of the items and prices through pst, then be able to let the vendor know what he would like and how many of each, and once again, the transaction would be completed through semi-automatic trade. I say semi automatic because it will only be automatic on the vendors end, as the buyer will have to input the correct amount of gold into the trade window before the vendor will complete the transaction.

    I think this addon is feasable, but I could be wrong. I was looking at the API commands, and it seams like all the options to do this are there. If I wasn't deploying to afganistan in a month, I'd probably try to start on it this week.

    I'm open to all opinions and ideas.

    If you would like to work on this yourself, I'm perfectly fine with that, I just want to see this end up in the game if at all possible.

  2. First of all, I'm not sure this mod would be legal, so please let me know if it is or isn't.


    I have been reading up on how to program addons, it doesn't seem too complicated, and I'm sure I could do it once I get the time(i.e. Post deployment or done with the marine corps all together).

    What I'm looking to write up is a mod that makes your character into a personal vendor, much like in other MMORPG. I figure this might be illegal due to the possible server lag it might cause, or the extra spot that would take up, thus making a full server.

    The mod would let you select which items in your inventory you would like to sell, and then advertise them for you automatically in trade channel on a set interval. If possible buyers are running the same addon, they would be able to right click on your characters icon, and then select a 'vendor' option. This would then bring up the selected vendors items and costs. The user would then select which items he would like to buy from the vendor and the sale would be completed through an automatic trade format. If the user is not running the same addon, he will be able to pst the vendor and get a response of the items and prices through pst, then be able to let the vendor know what he would like and how many of each, and once again, the transaction would be completed through semi-automatic trade. I say semi automatic because it will only be automatic on the vendors end, as the buyer will have to input the correct amount of gold into the trade window before the vendor will complete the transaction.

    I think this addon is feasable, but I could be wrong. I was looking at the API commands, and it seams like all the options to do this are there. If I wasn't deploying to afganistan in a month, I'd probably try to start on it this week.

    I'm open to all opinions and ideas.

    If you would like to work on this yourself, I'm perfectly fine with that, I just want to see this end up in the game if at all possible.

  3. The only way for two players to directly exchange items is via the trade APIs which require direct interaction by both parties to confirm the trades (i.e. there would be no way to "set it and forget it.")

    That being said, you could create an addon that would give the appearance of a vendor-like interface (albeit with a manual confirmation), but everyone who wanted to buy via the system would need the addon as well (severely limiting your potential customer base).

  4. alright, i'll keep researching it. ty for the tips.

  5. create an addon that would give the appearance of a vendor-like interface (albeit with a manual confirmation).


    do you mean by that, that it would also have to be a person present to confirm it?

  6. Some things you could look into:

    PlayerQuest[1] allows you to create custom quests for other players to complete.  While not the same as what you're asking for, it's very close to what we're discussing.  There are a few limitations to what you're asking:

    Nothing should or could keep the player logged in.  Trades must be confirmed by both parties and this requires actual intervention by the user.

    That being said there is nothing that prevents you from making a mod with a vendor interface using communication, and then when someone decides to buy something.. opens the trade window and places your items and their gold into the slots.  The real problem is that both people would need to have the mod installed

    [1]: http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-605-1-playerquest.html


  7. Alright, I'll look into something along those lines. I guess with enough advertisement, you could get people to install the mod.

    Also, the player quest link is not working for me.

  8. Anyone know if zachary123 ever wrote this? It sounds fascinating...

    As this is an old post and this BBS does not seem to have a mail system, I wonder how I might contact him about this idea.