Posted by Ubenmeyer on Thu, 15 Oct 2009 20:53:45
I'm trying to upgrade the QuestHistory Addon as Blizzard provides no method to retrieve a list of completed quests. When a new quest is accepted by pressing the "ACCEPT" button, QuestDetailAcceptButton_OnClick is called. The Addon hooked this function to record information about the newly accepted quest. For some reason, this function can no longer be hooked and has broken the addon (it worked until a recent patch). The current Blizzard code still has this function that calls AcceptQuest() and the button scripted to this function in the XML file in the Blizzard code. Do you have any information about a change in hooking this function or have a suggestion for a workaround?
Posted by jnwhiteh on Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:45:15
I'm trying to upgrade the QuestHistory Addon as Blizzard provides no method to retrieve a list of completed quests. When a new quest is accepted by pressing the "ACCEPT" button, QuestDetailAcceptButton_OnClick is called. The Addon hooked this function to record information about the newly accepted quest. For some reason, this function can no longer be hooked and has broken the addon (it worked until a recent patch). The current Blizzard code still has this function that calls AcceptQuest() and the button scripted to this function in the XML file in the Blizzard code. Do you have any information about a change in hooking this function or have a suggestion for a workaround?
Blizzard is providing an API function to get a list of completed quests in the next patch (3.3). Also the inheritance of frame scripts changed quite a bit. What's happening is that the XML file is directly referencing the function using the function attribute to the script tag. This means the function is set directly as the handler for that frame.
If you want to hook it, you need to hook the actual script on the button. QuestDetailAcceptButton:HookScript("OnClick", function() end). If you want to REPLACE that function, you'd need SetScript instead.
Posted by Ubenmeyer on Fri, 16 Oct 2009 01:03:33
Your suggestion worked nicely. Thank you very much for your help.