Posted by Drunk Cadaver on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 16:02:46
I'm trying to made a very simple (or at least it sounds simple in my head) addon called "Who That Who There" that watches for friends/guildmates that login/logout. When found the addon outputs the login/logout info to the UIErrorsFrame and plays a sound. I've found an addon that already does this but it uses Ace, which I'd like to stay away from. I also found a snippet on this site that uses the
event in hopes that it would help me with theCHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
event. With these two references and things I've tried to understand in the book, I've come up with this frankenstein of code, which isn't working...if not LoginLogoutFrame then LoginLogoutFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") end local frame = LoginLogoutFrame frame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") frame:OnEvent(wdwd) function wdwd:CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM(msg) local system_msg = msg if (system_msg:find("online.") ~= nil) then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(system_msg) PlaySound("AuctionWindowOpen") end if (system_msg:find("offline.") ~= nil) then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(system_msg) PlaySound("AuctionWindowOpen") end end
There are a number of things I don't understand. Am I correct in assuming the top section of code makes a frame that looks for the CHATMSGSYSTEM event and then registers it when found? How do I use OnEvent to do something with the event I registered? Is OnEvent needed to do what I am trying to achieve?
If someone has the patience to address my questions and/or point me in the right direction, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks in advance.
Posted by Drunk Cadaver on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:20:12
I think I got it worked out.
if not LoginLogoutFrame then LoginLogoutFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") end local frame = LoginLogoutFrame frame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) local system_msg = select(1, ...) if (system_msg:find("online.") ~= nil) then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(system_msg) PlaySound("AuctionWindowOpen") end if (system_msg:find("offline.") ~= nil) then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(system_msg) PlaySound("AuctionWindowOpen") end end )
Posted by jnwhiteh on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 18:09:29
Yep, that looks right to me, does it work? :P
Posted by Drunk Cadaver on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 18:15:03
As far as I can tell it does. I made a slight change to the code to make it look for afk messages since that's a system message I can control with slash commands and it worked. Thanks for this great site. It compliments the book! Browsing through more snippets helped me figure it out.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 18:15:57
I'm really glad they helped you out =)