1. i've created a virtul button template and used it five times in one frame. This five buttons are invisible before cursor rolls over it.

    Here's code of template

     <Button name = "LoadScrollButtonTemplate" virtual="true" visible="true">
           <AbsDimension x="120" y="16" />
         <NormalFont inherits="GameFontHighlight" justifyH="LEFT"/>
        <HighlightTexture file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-Tab-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
        <HighlightFont style="GameFontHighlightSmall"/>
        <DisabledFont style="GameFontHighlightSmall"/>

    and the one of it usings in frame

          <Button name="LoadScrollButton1" inherits="LoadScrollButtonTemplate">
                    <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LoadScrollBar" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
                        <AbsDimension x="8" y="0"/>

    I need them visible all the time. What's wrong?

  2. Any textures placed in the "highlight" layer are ONLY visible when the mouse is over them. Rather than using HighlightTexture and HighlightFont, use NormalTexture and NormalFont.

  3. Sry) Corrected the first message.

  4. No problem!

    Any textures placed in the "highlight" layer are ONLY visible when the mouse is over them. Rather than using HighlightTexture and HighlightFont, use NormalTexture and NormalFont.

  5. Thanks, I know it. There were stupid mistake: "inherit" instead of "style" :) This topic can be deleted)