Posted by Jeany on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 03:27:36
I am really enjoying the book but it seems like COMBATLOGEVENT is a new addition with WoTLK. Luckily, wowwiki has a nice article about this event but there's one thing I am having trouble with even after I read the article.
What the heck is a GUID? Can you somehow use that to tell more information about the mob in question?
And would you happen to know if the UNITDIED part of the COMBATLOG_EVENT fires on boss fights in Ulduar where the boss isnt technically killed (the keepers)?
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 15:12:21
I am really enjoying the book but it seems like COMBATLOGEVENT is a new addition with WoTLK. Luckily, wowwiki has a nice article about this event but there's one thing I am having trouble with even after I read the article.
Indeed, the second edition of the book includes a chapter on the new combat log system.
What the heck is a GUID? Can you somehow use that to tell more information about the mob in question?
It's a globally unique identifier that can be used to discern between different players and mobs in-game. You can tell information about the mob (such as the classification, family, type) but nothing that we don't already have in-game. The difference is GUIDs provide us with a way to distinguish between two mobs of the same name and level. In fact, we can tell the difference between any mobs by comparing GUIDs.
And would you happen to know if the
fires on boss fights in Ulduar where the boss isnt technically killed (the keepers)?That I don't.. You could test this with a simple addon or event trace. The following snippet may interest you: Watch for party kills.
Posted by Magdain on Thu, 09 Jul 2009 05:42:27
I haven't tested it but I'm fairly certain UNITDIED doesn't fire for keepers. You can check the CHATMSGMONSTERYELL event for triggers on when a keeper is defeated though. WoWWiki tactics pages should/will have all of the yells a boss uses when defeated.