Posted by ilusius on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 14:16:00
Hey guys,
I wanna start with apologizing for maybe a very newbie question. I'm new to LUA, not to programming in general.
We have two guilds that act as one, for communication we use guild2guild. Now what I want to build is a simple addon (at least I think) that displays the entire guild. So basically it does a /who on the two guilds and displays it on one list. In the future the plan is to make it replace the guild tab on the social window, but that is a bit too advanced for me now I think.
My question is, what kind of frame could I best use to display the list (text) on. A messageframe? Editbox? I'm not quite sure. Keep in mind that in the future I might have to build something in that requires the list to be clickable, to see the detail of a member (just like the normal guildlist).
I honestly haven't got a clue. If you could help me out that would be awesome, so thank you very much in advance.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 17:45:52
I wanna start with apologizing for maybe a very newbie question. I'm new to LUA, not to programming in general.
Don't ever feel the need to apoligise =)
We have two guilds that act as one, for communication we use guild2guild. Now what I want to build is a simple addon (at least I think) that displays the entire guild. So basically it does a /who on the two guilds and displays it on one list. In the future the plan is to make it replace the guild tab on the social window, but that is a bit too advanced for me now I think.
Ah, that damn limitation Blizzard has on guilds =/ I've never been clear on whether its due to a database or some other communications issue but it definitely hurts the larger guilds.
My question is, what kind of frame could I best use to display the list (text) on. A messageframe? Editbox? I'm not quite sure. Keep in mind that in the future I might have to build something in that requires the list to be clickable, to see the detail of a member (just like the normal guildlist).
The typical way to do this is take a simple background frame and then add rows of buttons that are clickable. Then you can decorate the buttons with whatever you would like to show. Let's say you have a normal window with 20 rows of some height. You can then have four different columns that each display different information, and thesea re just normal FontStrings. You definitely would not want to use a messageframe or editbox, they definitely will not do what you want them to.
Keep in mind that text and graphics are just attached to frames. So you want a background frame, and then one frame per row so that you can click on them. Then you decorate the rows with text, and you've got yourself the social frame.
I honestly haven't got a clue. If you could help me out that would be awesome, so thank you very much in advance.
Also keep in mind that if you're part of one of the guilds, you won't want to (nor should you) use /who on it. Also, keep in mind that /who queries will only return 49 people so you may have to split it up into separate queries (for example ask for all the tauren, then all the orcs just to ensure you don't go over that limit. Of course you can try the whole thing first and see if it comes back full.
Hope that helps!
Posted by ilusius on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 17:59:14
That is excellent advice! I want to thank you so much, I'll start building and maybe return with more questions :)
Thanks for the fast and clear response!