1. I've tried 4 different chapter's zip file, with winzip, 7zip, and winRar, all on two different computers. One computer running vista 64bit and the other running vista 32bit.

    I get an invalid archive error on all attempts.

    I would really like to see the chapter 15 project code; any help would be appreciated.


  2. Send me an email at admin@wowprogramming.com, containing the zip files you have downloaded. Tell me what ones you are trying to download, and I'll get them to you.

  3. Thank you for the response. I have sent you an email. I had to add .dat to the file extension because gmail doesn't allow .zip files to send as attachements.


  4. Thank you for the response. I have sent you an email. I had to add .dat to the file extension because gmail doesn't allow .zip files to send as attachements.

    There is something really screwy going on. You can absolutely send .zip files as attachments on gmail, I do it routinely.

  5. I looked up gmail's attachment rules and it states:

    Zipped attachmentsPrint Gmail allows you to send and receive zipped attachments, as long as they meet three conditions:

    1.They don't contain executable files. 2.They are less than the maximum attachment size. 3.They are not encrypted or password-protected AND don't contain other zipped files. If the attachment is encrypted and does not contain another zipped attachment, then it can be sent and received.

    So i can only assume that the zip files i downloaded from the website violated rule 1 or 3 (since size wasn't an issue). But I suppose that would also suggest that gmail was able to look inside the zip files and see the archived files.....which is odd since I can't open the files in any program, either to explore or extract them............

    I also use zip files frequently, and i've never had this issue before.

    Not sure what is going on with it.

    Anyway, i'm sorry this is taking up so much of your time. I appreicate your help.
