1. Page 211 example should read:

    function helloWorldFrame_OnLoad()




    Page 213 example should read:

    function closeButton_OnClick()




    Very frustrating that I have to debug my first AddOn while trying to learn the Development Interface and WoW API...

  2. Page 211 example should read: function helloWorldFrame_OnLoad() helloWorldFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED"); end -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Page 213 example should read: function closeButton_OnClick() helloWorldFrame:Hide(); end -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Very frustrating that I have to debug my first AddOn while trying to learn the Development Interface and WoW API...

    I apologize for any errors that may have crept into the examples during the production process.  I assure you that all examples were verified and tested multiple times.  My apologies.

    These errors have been added to the errata page.

  3. I've been programming for a couple of decades now. The most important skill to learn is debugging. Given that you are programming against a very volitile API, you'd better make yourself comfortable with it.
