1. The test code:


    ought to be...


    I actually wanted to report that the function on page 61 did not work, but I found that somewhere along the line, tbl1 had become disassociated with mt.  I determined this by running: print (getmetatable(tbl1) == metatable), and the result came up false.  So I ran the code: setmetatable(tbl1, mt), and reran the test code on page 62.  The first test now worked properly (i.e. print(tbl1[4] now prints the error message).  However the code: print(tbl.apple), printed nil ( i.e. no error message).  I then chamged tbl to tbl1: print(tbl1.apple) brings up the correct error message: Attempt to access key 'apple' in {alpha, beta, gamma}.

  2. The test code:


    ought to be...


    I actually wanted to report that the function on page 61 did not work, but I found that somewhere along the line, tbl1 had become disassociated with mt.  I determined this by running: print (getmetatable(tbl1) == metatable), and the result came up false.  So I ran the code: setmetatable(tbl1, mt), and reran the test code on page 62.  The first test now worked properly (i.e. print(tbl1[4] now prints the error message).  However the code: print(tbl.apple), printed nil ( i.e. no error message).  I then chamged tbl to tbl1: print(tbl1.apple) brings up the correct error message: Attempt to access key 'apple' in {alpha, beta, gamma}.