1. The text says that following code won't work, but it actually does (since WoW 3.x?):

    /run print("Hello World!")

    And no, I didn't run it through the WowLua interpreter. :) It just worked fine when I entered it as a chat message.

  2. The text says that following code won't work, but it actually does (since WoW 3.x?):

    /run print("Hello World!")

    And no, I didn't run it through the WowLua interpreter. :) It just worked fine when I entered it as a chat message.

  3. Yes, there have been a number of changes in the new version of WoW, including the introduction of a print() function.

  4. i'm just reading the book now and not sure what to do if the wowlua addon doesn't work according to the book's instructions. are there any other known issues with the interpreter?

  5. You can ask questions here, but I use WowLua on a daily basis.  Whats the problem?

  6. When I enter /run or /script in the wowlua addon, it returns an error (can't remmber what, I'm at work right now, but actively thinking of scripting :). It seems like it's an error about unexpected value after the /.

    As the original poster said, you can just do the /run and /script from the chat window text box and it works fine. But should it work from wowlua addon too?

  7. When I enter /run or /script in the wowlua addon, it returns an error (can't remmber what, I'm at work right now, but actively thinking of scripting :). It seems like it's an error about unexpected value after the /.

    As the original poster said, you can just do the /run and /script from the chat window text box and it works fine. But should it work from wowlua addon too?

    No it should not. WowLua is a Lua interpreter, not a slash command interpreter. If you want to run slash command you can do that in the chat box (as you've already mentioned). When you want to run Lua code, you can do it directly in WowLua.

    You don't need to use /run or /script when running code in WowLua. Just type whatever is after the slash command and it works just fine!

  8. AH!! ok, now that makes more sense.

    In fact, going back to the book, it seems I misread what it was saying. I thought it said to enter the /run messsage("Hello World") in the text box of wowlua... but it does clearly say to do so in the chat text box!!

    /bonks self