1. Trying to use the first chunk of XML in chapter 11

    Nothing happens in WoW.

    I've got the xml file and a toc file, the toc file has the xml file's name in it, and they are in a folder called WoWXMLExample in the World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns folder.

    I have checked the xml and toc files multiple times and they seem to be correct.

    WoWXMLExample shows up in the addons list in WoW.

    What am I doing wrong?

  2. Trying to use the first chunk of XML in chapter 11

    Nothing happens in WoW.

    I've got the xml file and a toc file, the toc file has the xml file's name in it, and they are in a folder called WoWXMLExample in the World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns folder.

    I have checked the xml and toc files multiple times and they seem to be correct.

    WoWXMLExample shows up in the addons list in WoW.

    What am I doing wrong?

  3. You have all the information, so it's tough for me to tell you what you're doing wrong.  You can look in the Logs directory under your World of Warcraft installation in the FrameXML.log file to see if there are any error messages.  Most likely there is a problem in your XML file.  If you'd like to double-check against a copy/paste version the entire WowXMLExample.xml file should look like the following (also posted at http://wowprogramming.pastey.net/106096)

    <Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/


    <Frame name="EnterLeaveTest" parent="UIParent">

    <Size x="100" y="100"/>


    <Anchor point="CENTER" relativePoint="CENTER" relativeTo="UIParent"/>



    <Layer level="BACKGROUND">

    <Texture name="$parentIcon" file="Interface\Icons\Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordPain" setAllPoints="true"/>





    ChatFrame1:AddMessage("++ Entered frame: " .. self:GetName())



    ChatFrame1:AddMessage("-- Leaving frame: " .. self:GetName())





  4. I seem to have a problem with = signs whenever they are used.  I'm using wow LUA.  anyone know anything I can do.

  5. This isn't Lua, it's XML so you shoud not be trying to run it through a Lua interpreter.  XML files are loaded by the game client and the only "testing" you can do outside the game is validation which is discussed in the book.  Most people will simply open the file in a web browser to ensure that it's well-formed if not valid.