1. On page 537, the API reference for GetNumQuestLogEntries() is incomplete...

    The response is actually two items:

    including_headers, just_quests = GetNumQuestLogEntries()


    including_headers = the total number of items in the quest log including the section headers such as zone name or "cooking" or instance name and such. This number CAN BE OVER 25

    just_quests = the actual expected result listed in the book: the number of actual quests in the quest log.

    I had the damndest time troubleshooting a module in an addon Im writing that throws up a message to the UIErrorFrame when your quest log reaches a user-selectable number of free slots left. I kept getting numbers that weren't working out. It was only when I put in some debugging messages to show me the raw number being returned that I realized the issue was with the call and not some math I was doing somewhere.

  2. On page 537, the API reference for GetNumQuestLogEntries() is incomplete...

    The response is actually two items:

    including_headers, just_quests = GetNumQuestLogEntries()


    including_headers = the total number of items in the quest log including the section headers such as zone name or "cooking" or instance name and such. This number CAN BE OVER 25

    just_quests = the actual expected result listed in the book: the number of actual quests in the quest log.

    I had the damndest time troubleshooting a module in an addon Im writing that throws up a message to the UIErrorFrame when your quest log reaches a user-selectable number of free slots left. I kept getting numbers that weren't working out. It was only when I put in some debugging messages to show me the raw number being returned that I realized the issue was with the call and not some math I was doing somewhere.

  3. XSSFilter could not parse (X)HTML:
    <p>As noted in the book, the most up-to-date version of the API is available here, and that function is in fact documented correctly on<a href="/docs/api/GetNumQuestLogEntries.html"> http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/GetNumQuestLogEntries</a>:</p>
    <div id="content">
    <div class="api-listing">
    <div class="signature"><code>numEntries, numQuests = GetNumQuestLogEntries()</code></div>
    <div class="$class">
    <li><code>numEntries</code> - The number of quest log entries (<code>number</code>) </li>
    <li><code>numQuests</code> - The number of actual quests entries (excludes headers) (<code>number</code>) </li>
    <p> </p>