1. 2 last lines should say:

    return ((celsius * 1.8) + 32) end

  2. 2 last lines should say:

    return ((celsius * 1.8) + 32) end

    Thanks for the report, we'll get it added to the errata list to be fixed in the next printing.

  3. Just got to this page... Yep, you should definately add this to the online errata.


  4. I see it in the errata now.  Thank you. 

    So...  you don't need the extra backets around the +32...  is there a preferred way to write it?

    I tested and it works either way

    return(celsius * 1.8) + 32


    return((celsius * 1.8) +32)


  5. I see it in the errata now.  Thank you. 

    So...  you don't need the extra backets around the +32...  is there a preferred way to write it?

    I tested and it works either way

    return(celsius * 1.8) + 32


    return((celsius * 1.8) +32)


    Indeed, it's the same rules as math.  As a matter of fact it will work without any parenthesis due the rules of operator precedence.  Since multiplication is higher precedence than addition, the celsius and 1.8 are computed before 32 is added to it.  The parenthesis are typically added (as noted in the chapter) for readability of the code, so you can look back later and understand what you were _trying_ to accomplish.

  6. Bump, this doesn't seem to show up in the Errata any more. It's pretty minor, but I'm sure someone out there will pull their hair out when they can't figure out what's wrong ;)

  7. We lost quite a bit of data a while back, and we're still working to recover.  Doing things as they come up is manageable but having to go through a backlog is a nightmare =/