1. hi... i tryed to follow Chapter 25 tutorial for "useing state headers in the "world of warcraft Programming Book"

    but i getting an error msg. and i cant fuggure whats wrong... i searched over and over again for typo's but cant find any...

    however, the code look like this

    here is the code:



    CreateFrame("Frame", "TestHeader", UIParent,




    local nextbutton = 1


    function CreateTestButton()

       local button = CreateFrame("Button",






       button:SetAttribute("useparent-statebutton", true)


       TestHeader:SetAttribute("addchild", button)

       if nextbutton > 1 then

          button:setPoint("LEFT", _G["TestButton"..(nextbutton - 1)], "RIGHT")


       local offsetX = - (nextbutton - 1) * button:GetWidth() / 2

       TestButton:SetPoint("CENTER", TestHeader, "CENTER", offsetX, 0)

       nextbutton = nextbutton + 1

       return button





    i get a error msg that the CreateFrame function have to be  : CreateFrame("frameType" [, "name"] [, parent] [, "template"])  

     i cant figure how i do it diferent then the tutorial,

  2. hi... i tryed to follow Chapter 25 tutorial for "useing state headers in the "world of warcraft Programming Book"

    but i getting an error msg. and i cant fuggure whats wrong... i searched over and over again for typo's but cant find any...

    however, the code look like this

    here is the code:



    CreateFrame("Frame", "TestHeader", UIParent,




    local nextbutton = 1


    function CreateTestButton()

       local button = CreateFrame("Button",






       button:SetAttribute("useparent-statebutton", true)


       TestHeader:SetAttribute("addchild", button)

       if nextbutton > 1 then

          button:setPoint("LEFT", _G["TestButton"..(nextbutton - 1)], "RIGHT")


       local offsetX = - (nextbutton - 1) * button:GetWidth() / 2

       TestButton:SetPoint("CENTER", TestHeader, "CENTER", offsetX, 0)

       nextbutton = nextbutton + 1

       return button





    i get a error msg that the CreateFrame function have to be  : CreateFrame("frameType" [, "name"] [, parent] [, "template"])  

     i cant figure how i do it diferent then the tutorial,

  3. Your code does NOT match the code posted in the book.  In particular your CreateTestButton() function shouldstart with:

    function CreateTestButton()

    local button = CreateFrame(






    The major difference is that you should use "CheckButton" as opposed to "Button", and TestHeader instead of "TestHeader".  Let me know if that doesn't make sense for any reason.  Also, why did you post five or six different times in different forums?  That made it extremely difficult to figure out what you were doing..