1. Chapter 12, under "Defining CombatTracker's XML Frame" uses "the DialogBox backdrop and edgefile that was used in Chapter 10". However, I can't find any information whatsoever about backdrops in the book up until this point.

  2. Chapter 12, under "Defining CombatTracker's XML Frame" uses "the DialogBox backdrop and edgefile that was used in Chapter 10". However, I can't find any information whatsoever about backdrops in the book up until this point.

  3. Chapter 12, under "Defining CombatTracker's XML Frame" uses "the DialogBox backdrop and edgefile that was used in Chapter 10". However, I can't find any information whatsoever about backdrops in the book up until this point.

    Gah!  Unfortunately Chapter 12 was revamped at the last minute and we must have missed the backreference to the template.  Here is the code for the dialog box backdrop that can be used in a frame:

    <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFra

    me\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">


    <AbsInset left="11" right="12" top="12" bottom="11"/>



    <AbsValue val="32"/>



    <AbsValue val="32"/>



    I have updated the errata page accordingly, this reference is no longer correct and should be removed.