Posted by hagge on Wed, 02 Jan 2013 01:24:06
could someone of you guys explain the targetting system please?
Is there a special priority or range how units are targetet when using /targetenemy or /targetenemyplayer ("tab")? Is there just a "counter", whitch is counting the range upwards (from unit to next unit whitch is farther) and at the end it starts from new, or does the "counter" always starts from my character and flags or marks already targeted units, so if a new unit apears it can be targeted?
I don't know how to explain properly, so sorry if it's hard to understand me. For example: My charakter --> (range) --> Unit_A (stealthed, so I can't see it) --> Unit_B --> Unit_C
When I start tabbing ( /targetenemy ), I will propably will target UnitB, then UnitC, and again UnitB, or am I wrong? But when target UnitB and UnitA leaves stealth and becomes visible, will I target UnitC at first, and than (when the cycle begings from anew) UnitA, or will I target UnitA after UnitB and after A UnitC?
The reason why I exactly want to know is simple. I have a discussion with a friend, whether there is a difference to use "/cleartarget" in a targetting macro or not.
The macro is the rogues sap vs stealthed units:
/cleartarget /targetenemyplayer /use Sap
So it's spammed all the time. So in addition, does /cleartarget affect the targeting or not? (Maybe it'S resetting the "counter").
Thank you very much if someone can explain the mentioned system.
PS: Happy new year! :-)
Posted by Cladhaire on Wed, 02 Jan 2013 06:13:18
could someone of you guys explain the targetting system please?
Not really, no. It's a closed box. We have no access to the implementation.
Is there a special priority or range how units are targetet when using /targetenemy or /targetenemyplayer ("tab")? Is there just a "counter", whitch is counting the range upwards (from unit to next unit whitch is farther) and at the end it starts from new, or does the "counter" always starts from my character and flags or marks already targeted units, so if a new unit apears it can be targeted?
Absolutely no idea. I can only observe the behaviour that the WoW client produces, as we do not have access to the source. Those functions are defined in C.
I don't know how to explain properly, so sorry if it's hard to understand me. For example: My charakter --> (range) --> Unit_A (stealthed, so I can't see it) --> Unit_B --> Unit_C
When I start tabbing ( /targetenemy ), I will propably will target UnitB, then UnitC, and again UnitB, or am I wrong? But when target UnitB and UnitA leaves stealth and becomes visible, will I target UnitC at first, and than (when the cycle begings from anew) UnitA, or will I target UnitA after UnitB and after A UnitC?
The reason why I exactly want to know is simple. I have a discussion with a friend, whether there is a difference to use "/cleartarget" in a targetting macro or not.
The macro is the rogues sap vs stealthed units:
/cleartarget /targetenemyplayer /use Sap
So it's spammed all the time. So in addition, does /cleartarget affect the targeting or not? (Maybe it'S resetting the "counter").
Thank you very much if someone can explain the mentioned system.
PS: Happy new year! :-)
Sorry I can't shed any more light, but you have as much (if not more) information than I have =)
Posted by hagge on Wed, 02 Jan 2013 11:41:31
So thats the reason why I couldn't find any information on this :-(
Thank you very much for your answer! :)