Posted by unlite on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 15:34:06
Hi Guys :)
English isnt my language but i will try it that you understand me :P
Today is my first day i updating a external spell lock addon on patch 4.1.0 ( or try :P ) and it will not working, always a empty frame =(.
I'm reading on some other websites that blizzard add a new variable "hideCaster". But the author of my addon i try to update used "arg" variables and i dont know what i do :S. After 6 Hours testing the crap addon i dont know what i can do more.
So i ask here and hope somebody can help me :)
SpellLock = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("SpellLock", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0", "LibBars-1.0", "LibSink-2.0") --local L = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("SpellLock") --local SM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0") local AceConfigDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0") local LibBars = LibStub("LibBars-1.0") local CS; local options local warning; local anchor local cdanchor local fanchor local numbars local schools = {} local spells = {} local cooldowns = {} local icons = {} local colors = {} local silence = {} if (DBM) then CS = DBM:NewMod("SpellLock"); warning = CS:NewAnnounce("%s"); end function SpellLock:OnInitialize() self.def = { char = { enabled = true, silenceEnabled = true, partyChat = true, coolDownEnabled = true, useDBM = false, position = { p = "CENTER", pr = "CENTER", px = 0, py = 0 }, showInternalBars = true, barWidth = 300, barHeight = 30, growUp = false } } self.db = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceDB-3.0"):New("SpellLockDB", self.def) anchor = SpellLock:NewBarGroup("Locks", nil, SpellLock.db.char.barWidth,SpellLock.db.char.barHeight) anchor.RegisterCallback(SpellLock, "AnchorClicked", "AnchorClicked") anchor:ClearAllPoints() anchor:SetPoint(SpellLock.db.char.position.p, UIParent, SpellLock.db.char.position.pr, SpellLock.db.char.position.px, SpellLock.db.char.position.py) anchor:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SpellLock\\media\\smooth.tga") anchor:SetColorAt(1, 0, 0, 0, 1) anchor:ReverseGrowth(SpellLock.db.char.growUp) anchor:HideAnchor() numbars = 0 -- Init schools table schools[1] = "Physical" schools[2] = "Holy" schools[3] = "Holy/Physical" schools[4] = "Fire" schools[5] = "Fire/Physical" schools[6] = "Fire/Holy" schools[8] = "Nature" schools[9] = "Nature/Physical" schools[10] = "Nature/Holy" schools[12] = "Nature/Fire" schools[16] = "Frost" schools[17] = "Frost/Physical" schools[18] = "Frost/Holy" schools[20] = "Frost/Fire" schools[24] = "Frost/Nature" schools[32] = "Shadow" schools[33] = "Shadow/Physical" schools[34] = "Shadow/Holy" schools[36] = "Shadow/Fire" schools[40] = "Shadow/Nature" schools[48] = "Shadow/Frost" schools[64] = "Arcane" schools[65] = "Arcane/Physical" schools[66] = "Arcane/Holy" schools[68] = "Arcane/Fire" schools[72] = "Arcane/Nature" schools[80] = "Arcane/Frost" schools[96] = "Arcane/Shadow" schools[28] = "MANY" schools[124] = "MANY" schools[126] = "MANY" schools[127] = "ALL" schools[9999] = "Silence" -- Init icon table icons[1] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Silence" icons[2] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_HolyBolt" icons[3] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_HolyBolt" icons[4] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Fire_FireBolt02" icons[5] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Fire_FireBolt02" icons[6] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Fire_FireBolt02" icons[8] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature" icons[9] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature" icons[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature" icons[12] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature" icons[16] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Frost_FrostBolt02" icons[17] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Frost_FrostBolt02" icons[18] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Frost_FrostBolt02" icons[20] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Mage_FrostFireBolt" icons[24] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Frost_FrostBolt02" icons[32] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_ShadeTrueSight" icons[33] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_ShadeTrueSight" icons[34] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_ShadeTrueSight" icons[36] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_ShadeTrueSight" icons[40] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_ShadeTrueSight" icons[48] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_ShadeTrueSight" icons[64] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[65] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[66] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[68] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[72] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[80] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[96] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blast" icons[28] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warlock_Chaosbolt" icons[124] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warlock_Chaosbolt" icons[126] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warlock_Chaosbolt" icons[127] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warlock_Chaosbolt" icons[9999] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Silence" -- Init color table colors[1] = {1.0, 1.0, 0.0} colors[2] = {0.9, 0.9, 0.0} --holy colors[3] = {0.9, 0.9, 0.0} colors[4] = {1.0, 0.1, 0.0} --fire colors[5] = {1.0, 0.1, 0.0} colors[6] = {1.0, 0.1, 0.0} colors[8] = {0.0, 0.9, 0.1} --Nature colors[9] = {0.0, 0.9, 0.1} colors[10] = {0.0, 0.9, 0.1} colors[12] = {0.0, 0.9, 0.1} colors[16] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.9} --frost colors[17] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.9} colors[18] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.9} colors[20] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.9} colors[24] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.9} colors[32] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} --shadow colors[32] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} colors[33] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} colors[34] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} colors[36] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} colors[40] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} colors[48] = {0.9, 0.0, 0.9} colors[64] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} --arcane colors[65] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} colors[66] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} colors[68] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} colors[72] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} colors[80] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} colors[96] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} colors[28] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} --NO colors[124] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} colors[126] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} colors[127] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} colors[9999] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5} --Init spells table spells[2139] = 7 --Counterspell spells[1766] = 5 --Kick spells[47528] = 4 --Mind Freeze spells[6552] = 4 --Pummel spells[19244] = 5 --Spell Lock Rank 1 spells[19647] = 6 --Spell Lock Rank 2 spells[57994] = 2 --Wind Shear spells[72] = 6 --Shield Bash spells[26679] = 3 --Deadly Throw rank 1 spells[48673] = 3 --Deadly Throw rank 2 spells[48674] = 3 --Deadly Throw rank 3 --spells[16979] = 4 --Feral Charge - Bear OLD AND REMOVED spells[85285] = 4 --Rebuke?? spells[96231] = 4 -- Rebuke spells[91802] = 2 --Shambling Rush spells[91807] = 4 --Shambling Rush spells[26090] = 2 --Pummel - Gorilla spells[50318] = 4 --Serenity Dust - Moth spells[50479] = 2 --Nether Shock - Nether Ray spells[80965] = 4 --Skull Bash - Cat spells[80964] = 4 --Skull Bash - Bear spells[93985] = 4 --Skull Bash - ? spells[34490] = 3 --Silencing Shot --Init silence table silence[47476] = 5 --Strangulate silence[15487] = 5 --Silence (Priest) silence[34490] = 3 --Silencing Shot silence[18469] = 2 --Imp. Counterspell (Rank 1) silence[55021] = 4 --Imp. Counterspell (Rank 2) silence[1330] = 3 --Garrote - Silence silence[13754] = 1 --Kick - Silence (Rank 1) silence[13867] = 3 --Kick - Silence (Rank 2) silence[18498] = 3 --Gag Order silence[31935] = 3 --Avenger's Shield --Init cooldowns table cooldowns[2139] = 24 --Counterspell cooldowns[1766] = 10 --Kick cooldowns[47528] = 10 --Mind Freeze cooldowns[6552] = 10 --Pummel cooldowns[19244] = 24 --Spell Lock Rank 1 cooldowns[19647] = 24 --Spell Lock Rank 2 cooldowns[57994] = 6 --Wind Shear cooldowns[72] = 12 --Shield Bash --cooldowns[16979] = 15 --Feral Charge - Bear OLD AND REMOVED cooldowns[85285] = 10 --Rebuke cooldowns[96231] = 10 --Rebuke cooldowns[91802] = 30 --Shambling Rush? cooldowns[91807] = 30 --Shambling Rush? cooldowns[26090] = 30 --Pummel - Gorilla cooldowns[50318] = 60 --Serenity Dust - Moth cooldowns[50479] = 40 --Nether Shock - Nether Ray cooldowns[80965] = 60 --Skull Bash - Cat cooldowns[80964] = 60 --Skull Bash - Bear cooldowns[34490] = 20 --Silencing Shot cooldowns[15487] = 45 --Silence (Priest) cooldowns[47476] = 60 --Strangulate end function SpellLock:UpdateAnchor() anchor:SetWidth(SpellLock.db.char.barWidth) anchor:SetHeight(SpellLock.db.char.barHeight) anchor:ReverseGrowth(SpellLock.db.char.growUp) end function SpellLock:AnchorClicked(callback, group, button) local p,_,pr,px,py = anchor:GetPoint() --SpellLock:Print(p.." "..pr.." "..px.." "..py) SpellLock.db.char.position.p = p SpellLock.db.char.position.pr = pr SpellLock.db.char.position.px = px SpellLock.db.char.position.py = py if button == "RightButton" then end anchor:ToggleAnchor() end function SpellLock:NewLockBar(isCD, bartime, schoolorguid, subject, spellid, spellname) if(isCD) then txt = spellname _, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellid) _, englishClass, _, _, _ = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(schoolorguid) if(spellid == 19244 or spellid == 19647) then color = {RAID_CLASS_COLORS["WARLOCK"].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS["WARLOCK"].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS["WARLOCK"].b} elseif(spellid == 91802) then color = {RAID_CLASS_COLORS["DEATHKNIGHT"].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS["DEATHKNIGHT"].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS["DEATHKNIGHT"].b} elseif(spellid == 26090 or spellid == 50479 or spellid == 50318) then color = {RAID_CLASS_COLORS["HUNTER"].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS["HUNTER"].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS["HUNTER"].b} else color = {RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].b} end else icon = icons[schoolorguid] txt = schools[schoolorguid] color = colors[schoolorguid] end anchor:NewCounterBar(numbars, subject .. " - "..txt, bartime, bartime, icon, LibBars.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 200, 30):SetColorAt(1, color[1], color[2], color[3], 1) numbars = numbars + 1 if (numbars > 20) then numbars = 0 end end function SpellLock:TestBars() local name, realm = UnitName("player") if(SpellLock.db.char.coolDownEnabled) then SpellLock:NewLockBar(true, 24, UnitGUID("player"), name, 2139, "Counterspell") end SpellLock:NewLockBar(false, 5, 2, name) SpellLock:NewLockBar(false, 4, 8, name) end local function OnEvent(this, event, ...) -- Combat log events. if (event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") then local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14 = ...; if(arg2 == "SPELL_INTERRUPT") then --SpellLock:Print("Interrupt found!") --SpellLock:Print(arg1 .. " -" .. arg2 .. " -" .. arg3 .. " -" .. arg4 .. " -" .. arg5 .. " -" .. arg6 .. " -" .. arg7 .. " -" .. arg8 .. " -" .. arg9 .. " -" .. arg10 .. " -" .. arg11 .. " -" .. arg12 .. " -" .. arg13.. " -" .. arg14) local config = SpellLock.db.char if(config.enabled == true) then --SpellLock:Print("Addon is Enabled") --wowwiki saves the day! --SpellLock:Print(arg6) local B = tonumber(arg6:sub(5,5), 16); local player = B % 8; -- x % 8 has the same effect as x & 0x7 on numbers <= 0xf --local knownTypes = {[0]="player", [3]="NPC", [4]="pet", [5]="vehicle"}; if(player == 0) then --SpellLock:Print(arg7.." is a player") --guid based playerguid = UnitGUID("player") petguid = UnitGUID("pet") if(arg3 == playerguid or arg3 == petguid or UnitPlayerOrPetInParty(arg4) ) then --SpellLock:Print("name: "..arg4) school = schools[arg14] locktime = spells[arg9] if not locktime then locktime = "[ERROR! SPELL=" .. arg9 .. "]" end SpellLock:Print("Lockout:" .. arg7 .. " ("..school..") for "..locktime.."sec by ".. arg4) --Write to party chat if(config.partyChat == true) then members = GetNumPartyMembers(); if(members > 0) then _, englishClass, _, _, _ = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(arg6) SendChatMessage("Lockout: " .. arg7 .. " ("..englishClass..":"..school..") for "..locktime.."sec by ".. arg4, "PARTY"); end end if not locktime then locktime = 1 end --Using LibBar-1.0 if(config.showInternalBars) then SpellLock:NewLockBar(false, locktime, arg14, arg7) end --Using DBM UI if(DBM and config.useDBM == true) then warning:Show("Lockout:" .. arg7 .. " ("..school..") for "..locktime.."sec by ".. arg4) timer = CS:NewTimer(locktime, arg7 .. " - "..school) timer:Start() end --DEBUG --SpellLock:Print(arg1 .. " -" .. arg2 .. " -" .. arg3 .. " -" .. arg4 .. " -" .. arg5 .. " -" .. arg6 .. " -" .. arg7 .. " -" .. arg8 .. " -" .. arg9 .. " -" .. arg10 .. " -" .. arg11 .. " -" .. arg12 .. " -" .. arg13.. " -" .. arg14) end end end end --BETA SILENCE SUPPORT if(arg2 == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS") then spell = silence[arg9] if(spell) then local config = SpellLock.db.char if(config.silenceEnabled == true) then local B = tonumber(arg6:sub(5,5), 16); local player = B % 8; -- x % 8 has the same effect as x & 0x7 on numbers <= 0xf --local knownTypes = {[0]="player", [3]="NPC", [4]="pet", [5]="vehicle"}; if(player == 0) then --change this to 3 to debug against NPCs playerguid = UnitGUID("player") petguid = UnitGUID("pet") if(arg3 == playerguid or arg3 == petguid or UnitPlayerOrPetInParty(arg4) ) then locktime = silence[arg9] if not locktime then locktime = "[ERROR! SPELL=" .. arg9 .. "]" end SpellLock:Print("Lockout:" .. arg7 .. " (SILENCE) for "..locktime.."sec by ".. arg4) --Write to party chat if(config.partyChat == true) then members = GetNumPartyMembers() if(members > 0) then _, englishClass, _, _, _ = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(arg6) SendChatMessage("Lockout: " .. arg7 .. " ("..englishClass..":SILENCE) for "..locktime.."sec by ".. arg4, "PARTY"); end end if not locktime then locktime = 1 end --Using LibBar-1.0 if(config.showInternalBars) then SpellLock:NewLockBar(false, locktime, 9999, arg7) end end end end end end --cooldown module if(SpellLock.db.char.inArena and SpellLock.db.char.coolDownEnabled) then if(arg2 == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS") then --[15:37:22] SpellLock: 1256132248.04 -SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -0x0100000002E27DFB -Darmage -66888 -0x0100000002EB6700 -Akarou -1297 -2139 -Counterspell -64 cd = cooldowns[arg9] if(cd) then --RUN THIS FIRST FOR OPTIMALIZATION playerguid = UnitGUID("player") petguid = UnitGUID("pet") if(arg3 == playerguid or arg3 == petguid or UnitPlayerOrPetInParty(arg4) ) then --do nothing else local B = tonumber(arg3:sub(5,5), 16); local player = B % 8; -- x % 8 has the same effect as x & 0x7 on numbers <= 0xf --local knownTypes = {[0]="player", [3]="NPC", [4]="pet", [5]="vehicle"}; if(player == 0 or player == 4) then SpellLock:NewLockBar(true, cd, arg3, arg4, arg9, arg10) end end end end end end if(event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") then local zone = select(2, IsInInstance()) if (zone == "arena") then SpellLock.db.char.inArena = true elseif (zone ~= "arena" and lastZone == "arena") then SpellLock.db.char.inArena = false end lastZone = zone end end local function Enable() eventFrame:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") eventFrame:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") eventFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") eventFrame:Show() end local function Disable() eventFrame:Hide() eventFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() end function SpellLock:OnEnable() Enable() end function SpellLock:OnDisable() Disable() end options = { type="group", args={ general={ type = 'group', name = "General Settings", args={ description={ name="Basic options for SpellLock\n", type="description", order = 1 }, enableAddon={ name="Enable Addon", desc="Enables / disables the addon", order = 2, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.enabled = val end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.enabled end }, enableSilence={ name="Enable Silence Tracking", desc="Enables / disables the silence Tracking", order = 3, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.silenceEnabled = val end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.silenceEnabled end }, showInternalBars={ name="Show Internal Bars", desc="Shows / Hides Internal Bars.", order = 4, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.showInternalBars = val end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.showInternalBars end }, showCooldownBars={ name="Show enemy cooldowns.", desc="Shows / Hides the showing of enemy interrupt cooldowns.", order = 5, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.coolDownEnabled = val end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.coolDownEnabled end }, enableSendToParty={ name="Enable send to party", desc="Enables / disables writing to party chat", order = 6, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.partyChat = val end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.partyChat end }, useDBM={ name="Use DBM Output", desc="Enables / disables using DBM bars and warnings", order = 7, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.useDBM = val end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.useDBM end }, } }, intBarSettings={ type = 'group', name = "Internal Bars", args={ description={ name="Internal bar options\n", type="description", order = 1 }, reverseGrowth={ name="Toggle reverse growth.", desc="Makes the bar list grow upwards.", order = 6, type="toggle", set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.growUp = val; SpellLock:UpdateAnchor(); end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.growUp end }, showAnchor={ name="Toggle Anchor", desc="Shows / Hides the anchor.", order = 2, type="execute", func = function() anchor:ToggleAnchor() end }, testBars={ name="Test Bars", desc="Displays three test bars.", order = 3, type="execute", func = function() SpellLock:TestBars() end }, barWidth={ name="Bar width", desc="Edit bar width.", order = 4, type="range", min=50, max=500, step=10, set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.barWidth = val; SpellLock:UpdateAnchor(); end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.barWidth end }, barHeight={ name="Bar Height", desc="Edit bar Height.", order = 5, type="range", min=15, max=50, step=1, set = function(info,val) SpellLock.db.char.barHeight = val; SpellLock:UpdateAnchor(); end, get = function(info) return SpellLock.db.char.barHeight end } } } } } SpellLock:RegisterChatCommand("slock", "OpenOptions") SpellLock:RegisterChatCommand("spelllock", "OpenOptions") function SpellLock:OpenOptions(msg) if(msg == "anchor") then anchor:ToggleAnchor() elseif(msg == "test") then SpellLock:TestBars() else LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):Open("SpellLock") end end AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("SpellLock", options) LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("SpellLock", "SpellLock") eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") eventFrame:Hide() eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent) eventFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdateDelayedInfo)
thank so much unlite from germany :P
Posted by jnwhiteh on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 17:27:42
In your OnEvent you have:
local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14 = ...;
This really just makes things confusing, but what used to be
is nowarg4
and there is a newarg3
. So you need to change anyargX
where x is 3 or higher to beargY
where y is x + 1. Basically, you need to move everything up a slot.I'm not sure what else I can help with, unfortunately I don't really have time to go around trying to fix every addon. I'm more than happy to answer specific questions, however!
Posted by unlite on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 17:59:32
Thanks i will try it now :) and arg3 is automatically the hideCaster variable? i will learn to scripting addons now and know what i do, thats why i ask :P
Posted by unlite on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:21:53
Works fine! Thanks!
Posted by Myrroddin on Wed, 18 May 2011 17:12:07
You will need to update this with patch 4.2, as the combat log events and handlers are changing again!
Also, that is a horrible use of Ace3; no addon should ever load AceConfig-3.0 and AceConfig-Dialog-3.0 manually. That stuff should be done inline. Read the Getting Started, please. You will thank me later.