Chapter 26 - Driving State Changes
Table of Contents
Driving State Changes - 357
- Working with State Drivers - 357
- Delaying Driven State Changes - 359
- Understanding Macro Options - 359
- Building Macro Option Sets - 360
- Exploring Conditionals - 361
- Combining State Types - 364
- Sharing States Among Headers - 365
- Using Anchor Templates - 365
- Triggering Anchor Changes - 366
- Remapping Anchor Transitions - 367
- Creating an Action Popup - 368
- Building the Frame - 368
- Adding the Buttons - 369
- Defining the Basic Behavior - 370
- Creating the Slash Commands - 371
- Configuring the Buttons - 372
- Configuring the Header - 373
- Applying the Anchors - 375
- Selecting the Unit Frames - 375
- Creating the Anchors - 376
- Summary - 377