- Page 246: The paragraph immediately after the NOTE is part of the NOTE
- Page 247: The first sentence on the page should read "Consider the
mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 15."
- Page 247: The second sentence should say "ability" instead of "capability"
- Page 251: Under the "macrotext" list item "This text is not limited to 255 characters" should read "Unlike normal macros, macrotext is limited to 1023 characters instead of 255"
- Page 253: All of the paragraphs before the "Making Simple Choices" header are part of the same NOTE.
- Page 255: The paragraph immediately after the WARNING is part of the WARNING
- Page 259: In the paragraph immediately before "Setting up Actions", "Mouse" should not be capatalized.
- Page 259: The middle line of code in
should read "frame:SetAttribute(select(i, ...), (select(i+1, ...)))", adding the bold parentheses to avoid passing extra values to SetAttribute
- Page 260: In the Summary, "and so on" should not be followed by a period.