This function or event no longer exists in version 6.0.2 (19034) of World of Warcraft. Please check the main API page for an up-to-date listing of the valid API functions

Returns information about a given PvP rank index. These ranks are no longer in use, as they were part of the older PvP rewards system that was abandoned with the WoW 2.0 patch.

See also PvP functions.


rankName, rankNumber = GetPVPRankInfo(index [, "unit"])


  • index - Index of a rank (begins at 1, corresponding to a never-used "Pariah" rank; actual ranks start at 5) (number)
  • unit - A unit to use as basis for the rank name (i.e. to return Horde rank names for Horde units and Alliance rank names for Alliance units); if omitted, uses the player's faction (string, unitID)


  • rankName - Name of the rank (string)
  • rankNumber - Index of the rank relative to unranked status (positive values for ranks earned through honorable kills, negative values for the unused dishonorable ranks) (number)